2 min readThe Nod of GodSo much of our lives seems overwhelmed with a need or want for acceptance, approval, and maybe just simple assurance that who we are, how...
2 min readUnnatural and Irrational ThankfulnessGranted, feeling thankful about a thing or event is something we naturally do... something of a 'response' to your appreciation of that...
2 min readWaiting for HappinessYea... sounds kind of dumb to 'wait' for happiness, peace, serenity, even just simple 'ole "sadlessness", but too often that is actually...
2 min readGod Within or WithoutEver thought about where God hangs out? Where He rests? We understand from scripture that He's out there. But, in the universe? Outer...
2 min readInadequately Insufficient DeficiencyThree words that help speak volumes for the 'groanings' I struggle over in my life... trying to be acceptable (please keep me around)......
2 min readThe Letter "R"Our devotional today ends up showing us how one little letter, the letter 'R', can make such a difference in our lives and in our walk...